These procedures have been designed for guidance and information of the occupants of this building.
To maintain the effectiveness of the building's Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) a determined effort is required by all occupants of the building, particularly Tenant Managers and Employers, to ensure the following is maintained:The nomination of suitable persons to carry out the duties of Wardens in the building.
All tenancies should be represented by trained Wardens to provide for the safety of employees and visitors.
A Building Warden List containing name, telephone number and location of all Wardens in the building is maintained on this site.
NOTE: It is the responsibility of all Tenant Administrators to update the wardens for their floors. You can find instructions on how to update your warderns under "Warden Update Instructions" under Emergency Procedures menu. Regular meetings of the ECO are convened to provide training for Wardens. Evacuation exercises will be held annually to enable rehearsal by the ECO and building occupants in the building's emergency procedures. Each exercise is followed by a debriefing of the ECO to identify any deficiency in the procedures. All occupants are encouraged to participate in evacuation exercises to ensure they are familiar with emergency procedures and to test the building's Emergency Warning System as near as possible to maximum capacity. Authority of the ECODirections given by the ECO shall be observed in all respects by all persons on the premises being evacuated and to the extent that if any such directions are inconsistent with those given by the management of the premises, the authority of the ECO shall prevail, as recommended by the Australian Standard AS3745.
Evacuation Assembly Areas
An evacuation Assembly area for the building occupants has been established.
151 Evacuation Map (PDF, 1 Mb)
Outside Normal Working Hours
If an emergency alert occurs outside normal working hours, staff working in the building should notify others in their area (if safe to do so), leave their area and exit the building via the emergency exits (do not exit the building via lifts). Do not return unless directed to do so by the senior Emergency Services Officer. A person with a disability should telephone Emergency Services on 000 and advise their location within the building.
Mobility Impaired Persons
Persons who are mobility impaired should be identified by Floor Wardens, placed in a safe holding area, eg in the emergency exits with an able bodied person, and their whereabouts reported to the Chief Warden to arrange evacuation. Instruction of Employees in SafetyPersons who are employed to work in any premises should be given adequate instructions in what to do in case of an emergency.
Every person who is employed in the premises should be given instruction in relation to:The procedure to be followed in the event of any emergency, The means of escape from the building in the event of an emergency, and The location and method of operation of fire fighting equipment, fire alarms or warning devices.