Lift Locations

Lift 1 – Is located in the South West corner of the building and services the Basement car park, Ground floor, Level 1 and level 2.

Lift 2 – Is located on the Northern side of the building and services all floors. This lift is fitted with additional devices for visually impaired operation.

Lift 3 – The Goods Lift is located in the North East corner of the building and is available to service all floors. The door dimensions are 110 x 210 with a maximum allowed weight of 350kg. Large goods in and out of the lift should be moved before 7.30am, after 2.00pm and before 5.30pm. Movement of goods outside of these times require Building Management approval.

Do not use lifts during an emergency evacuation.

Use of Lifts

Plant and materials are only to be brought into the building by prior arrangement with the Property Manager outside normal business hours where possible and may only be conveyed by the goods lift or as directed by the Property Manager. It should be noted that no obstruction to car parking facilities will be permitted. Under no circumstances are goods or materials to be brought through the main foyer without reference to the Property Manager. Parking on-site is limited and can only be given at the discretion of the Property Manager.

Contractors are responsible for cleaning the lift and any other area where debris has been left. All lifts shall be suitably protected prior to use and cleaned prior to being returned to service. An inspection by the lift maintenance company and/or the Property Manager will determine the lift condition and cleanliness prior to commencement of works. Another inspection will be conducted after the conclusion of works. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage caused due to misuse by the contractors. All costs to restore the lifts to pre-works condition will be the Lessee’s responsibility. Contractor’s employees are only to use dedicated construction works/goods lift.

For equipment exceeding the lift capacity, special arrangements are required before usage. Building Management should be consulted at least two weeks prior to the installation so as to avoid delays. These arrangements may include, but without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the attendance of 2 lift mechanics and a letter of indemnity from the Lessee to the Lessor and the Property Manager indemnifying both of them against all or any actions, losses and claims for damages as a result of or incidental to the use of the goods lift outside its recommended specifications The lift car may require supplementary protection including timber sheeting to spread loads. The entry to the lift shall be protected with timber runners to protect the aluminium sill plate from trolley wheels etc