During an emergency, all occupants may have to be evacuated from this building.
In the event of an emergency the smooth operation of Emergency Procedures can be achieved only if everyone is thoroughly familiar with what is expected of them.
The risk of panic, personal injury and loss of property is significantly reduced by having an efficient Emergency Control Organisation and occupants trained in Emergency Response Procedures.
The Emergency Control Organisation for this building has been developed in accordance with Australian Standard AS3745 Emergency Control and Procedures for Buildings and Occupational Health and Safety & Health Regulations Western Australia 1996. The Emergency Control Organisation consists of:
Chief Warden Deputy Chief Wardens Floor or Area Wardens Wardens, and Other persons required (eg. Security staff, first aid) Please refer to the General Staff Procedures Page for further information.
All Emergency Procedures Information has been supplied by ADF Fire and Evacuation
All occupants should be familiar with the types of fire extinguishers and where they are located on each floor. Many tenants have installed their own extinguishers and staff must be shown their location and type.
Which Extinguisher?
Fire FIghting with Extinguishers
a) Do not panic
b) Try to remain calm and think
c) Warn everybody on the floor
d) Ensure someone has alerted the Fire Brigade
e) Instruct someone to advise the Head Warden
f) Determine type of fire and exact location
g) Select right type of extinguisher
h) Be sure you know how to use the extinguisher
j) Have another person back you up with another extinguisher
k) Where possible, keep the doorway at your back or behind you
l) Keep low to avoid smoke
m) Do not get too close to the fire
n) Direct extinguisher agent at seat of the fire NOT at smoke.
Hose Reels
Hose reels are located on each floor. Wardens should know their position and method of operation.
General Guidelines
1. Do not use on electrical fires.
2. Whenever possible two people should be used to run out a hose reel
ie one to nun out the hose and one to ensure hose runs off reel freely and is
not caught around doors/corners.
3. Remember to turn on the water supply at the reel before running out the hose.
4. The water is capable of being turned "on and off' at the nozzle.Kitchens and Food
Preparation AreasKitchen areas are high risks as heat/flame used in food
preparation can cause fire. Special considerations are necessary:
a) All areas must be kept clean and grease free.
b) Oils/Spirits/Fats must be stored away from a possible ignition source.
c) All kitchen staff must be aware of location and operations of alarms/
extinguishers, including fire blankets.
Oven Fire
To extinguish an oven fire:
a) Raise alarm
b) Ensure the door is closed
c) Turn off power (if safe to do so)
d) Obtain a BCF/C02/Dry Powder Extinguisher
e) For oven with pull down door: Stay at side of oven, open door, extinguish,
shut door. For oven with side opening door: Keep below top of door,
open doors, extinguish, shut door.
Range Top Fire
To extinguish a range top fire:
a) Raise alarm
b) Turn off power, if safe to do so
c) Obtain a BCF/C02 extinguisher
d) Approach fire-discharging extinguisher
Deep Fat Fryers
To extinguish a deep fat fryer fire:
a) Raise alarm
b) Turn off power, if safe to do so
c) Slide a close fitting metal lid over the vat
d) If available, operate a fixed C02 system, a Wet Chemical or Dry Powder
Do not use a hose reel or water extinguisher when operating extinguishers on deep fat fryer fires