Bus and Train Services Bus Service:

Yellow CAT Bus – From Perth is Stop 34 (Education Department)

To Perth is Stop 3 (Central Institute East Pth)

Route: 82, 83, 92 – To Perth/From Perth is Wittenoom Street/ Hill Street (Wellington Square)

Train Service:
Midland Line – Claisebrook
Armadale Line – Claisebrook
Alternatively, for more information on bus and train timetables for getting to and from 151 Royal Street please refer to the TransPerth Website.

Taxi Services:
Taxi’s should generally drop visitors off at the Hill Street building entrance. The Reception Desk at 151 will call for a taxi on request or visitors can call the companies listed below.
   Swan Taxis
   13 1330

   Yellow Cabs
   13 1924

   Black & White Taxis
   13 1008

Note: Please specify your pick up point from either the Hill Street or Royal Street entrance.